mandag 25. april 2011

Small Whale Paddle

My first though was, Orcas! But now I think they might have been White-beaked Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) - Or even both.

At first I thought Orcas because they were hunting very aggressive and made a lot of noise. They where jumping up in the air, tail-flapping and spy-hopping. The dorsal fin was also prominent - large and straight.

When I came closer I saw that some of them, the smallest ones didn't have any clear white spots where they should have been. They were more like grey-white and there was more of the white than there is on Orcas. These animals were also smaller than my kayak, whereas the first ones I saw where bigger than the boat.

My conclusion so far most be that there where mostly White-beaked Dolphins and this was also the animals that let me come closest to them. A couple of the more distant animals had a more prominent dorsal fin and could have been Orcas.

søndag 24. april 2011

Nærkontakt med kval

Steike godt å være på havet. Traff nise, og så en flokk med spekkhoggere fra veien.

I alle fall var det det jeg tenkte da jeg så dem fra veien. Senere traff jeg på en flokk, og nå tror jeg det er kvitnosinger.  I alle fall var det en fin kosetur på havet i Kåfjord som ligger her på kartet.

Adrenalinplask nummer 1!

Tur: 3
Distanse: 14,2 km
Dyreliv: Niser og en stor flokk med småkval, kvitnosing. Tjeld og kåte måser.

torsdag 21. april 2011

Endelig espresso igjen

Etter ei total nedsmelting og dertilhørende morkne gummipakninger. Ikke helt fornøyd med forholdet vann - kaffe. Det må testes ut.

tirsdag 19. april 2011

Grusing på gokartbanen

M utfordret T til gocartduell. Det han ikke visste var at hun har en fortid på gocartbanen. Slikt blir det god radio av.

lørdag 9. april 2011

Stolen wall

Stolen street art in Lofoten, Norway. Read about it in the newspaper:

Street artist Pøbel decorated fire wall on an abandoned house at Skjerpen in Vesvågøy municipality in 2010. Now, one of the walls is gone.

It looks like art theft of big proportions. One of the short walls and parts of the long wall is gone.

- We saw people by the house three or fire weeks ago. They drove two big cars, but we did not think much about it. There are people all the time by the house, looking at the street art, says neighbour Odd-Egil Benjaminsen.

He lives 200 meter away from the house, and sees parts of the abandoned house from his windows, but not the wall that have been removed. So he didn't noticed any thing unusually until last Thursday.

- I drove up with my snowmobile to have a look at our well. On my way down again I passed the house and noticed that the wall was gone, Benjaminsen tells.

He has been in contact with the house owner, who knew nothing about it.

The cultural administrator of Vestvågøy municipality, Camilla Skadberg, therefore thinks this is an art theft.

– Dolk and Pøbel are always in contact with the house owners before they do anything. This is also so bad done technically, that I don't think they have anything to do with it. The house is ruined, she says.

Dolk and Pøbel are presenting their work with pseudonyms. Lofotposten have not been able to get in touch with the artists.

The police have been at the place.

mandag 4. april 2011


Første dag i radioen. Ei uke i 9 - 11-sendinga så ei uke alene i morrasendinga. Et par dager 9-11, så utvider jeg til morrasendinga. Fire sammenhengende timer i studio skal forhåpentligvis forberede meg til aleneuka.