tirsdag 29. juli 2008

Morning paddle

to Moholmen on a guided tour with a young swede. We went out in the harbor at 8 am.

We saw puffins, cormorants and auks on our way. Back home we had some nice swells coming up from behind. Nice surf towards the beach. We went on shore in Fyrvika, where Victor stayed. He had rented the old lighthouse keepers house. He, so to speak, landed in his back yard, and we carried our boats 150 meters back to the tourist office.

mandag 28. juli 2008

Fairy tale paddle

at the lake Bleiksvattnet. We were litteraly east of the sun, west of the moon. Paddling in the lake while the midnight sun shune from the bright night sky, while the new moon hovering over the mountains.

Einar paddling into the sunset.

What is he thinking now?

søndag 27. juli 2008

Otter paddle

at Stave with Einar.

The otter were so close we could hear it breathe when it swam. I whistled and made sounds, and the otter was curious and had a good look at us.

Some very territorial cows scared us. We were at very low water and the cows run out in the water to their necks. We fled.

On our return there were low tide. A seal were swimming around the pole close to the harbor.

Hm... Where did the otter go?

lørdag 26. juli 2008

Paddling Rækvika

with Meike from the Whalesafari team.

Meike with a view to Stave.

A strong current took us back to the beach at Stave and made it a really lazy paddle.

søndag 20. juli 2008

Puffin paddle

Lots of puffins flying over the kayak. Moholmen fairway was like a puffin airfield. Also spotted guillemot and flocks of razorbill and great cormorant.

A gray seal hovered over a sunken rock. Waiting for me. Watching me. Slowly sinking underneath my boat and vanished.

This might have been the best paddle so far, at least when it comes to animal life.

A kind of harbour

at Moholmen. It is very difficult to go on shore at this islet. This port is at the north-west side. To the left you can see the beacon.

Here it is a shelf under water. It will be almost dry at low tide, and pretty shallow at high tide. It makes a kind of natural port. Though swells make it difficult to land here.

Moholmen beacon

Finally on shore. This has been a dream for me ever since I was a kid.

Nice day!

A really nice day on the sea. I think it is the warmest day this summer. Not sure where I am heading, but I suspect it will be Moholmen. The old fairway for summer fishing passed this islet. it will be fun to go on shore there.

torsdag 17. juli 2008

Som drivtømmer

Padlet sent - og det gikk treigt. Trøtt og stiv. Som en tømmerstok lå jeg og drev i fjæra. Lå stort sett og kikket på gupyen - kutlinger. Kom meg en tur ned til Skomvær og opp i Sløyken før jeg landet på Stranda etter midnatt.

lørdag 12. juli 2008

Det er fullbyrdet!

Fra venstre: blåbærlikør, blåbærdram, båbærlikør, moltelikør, moltelikør og moltelikør på brandy.

Blåbærlikøren er lagd over samme lest som moltelikøren. Molte-brandy-likøren også, men her gikk jeg tom for bær og kompenserte med å fylle på mer sprit. Glasset må jo fylles opp ;-)

Sånn går nu dagan!

Making Cloudberry liqueur part 3
In the jars: Blueberry liqueur, blueberry schnapps, another jar of blueberry liqueur, two jars of cloudberry liqueur and a surprise - cloudberry brandy liqueur.

The brandy version is made with the same measures and proportions as the vodka liqueur. Only, I was running out of cloudberries, so I think it will be a little stronger.

Ahhh! That brandy is really superb.

Fase to

Nå er det bare å vente. 400 gram sukker er rørt inn i et halvt kilo moltebær med ei flaske Finlandia vodka over.

Den som venter på noe godt, venter lenge.

Phase two
Waiting. Five weeks. At the most. 400 grams of sugar stirred into half a kilo of cloudberry. Added a bottle of Finlanda Vodka, 0.7 litre.

Endelig i gang!

Tru om det skal bli liv på Riggen i kveld?

Spøk til side ;-)

Siden oppskrifta er finsk er spriten også finsk. Brandyen - Concorde er mer et sidesprang. Vi får se hva den kan brukes til.

Finally starting!
Two bottles of pure vodka, Finlandia will make the foundation of this cloudberry liqueur.

fredag 11. juli 2008

BBQ in the night

Lit it up in the light summer night.

onsdag 9. juli 2008


Noen bilder fra Junibakken, da vi tok en tur rundt øya for å hilse på de som driver i turistbransjen.

Kjelleren er renovert. Legg merke til brønnen, mot veggen til høyre.

Lyst og luftig, med en anelse klasse. Fin bruk av en trappeoppgang som ellers ville stått tom.

Krims og krams gjør rommet levende og eksklusivt.

Captains cabin!

Fiskerhytta. Med lanterner og alt som hører med livet på havet.

tirsdag 8. juli 2008

Whale safari

with Victor. Nice trip but we miss someone.

Excited. Victor watching for the whales.

There she blows!

Happy lot! Do we feel like brave sailors?

At the bow!

There she dives!

Lots of birds!

Happy Boy! Thanks Someone!

Gratulerer med dagen!

Det er en fin julidag i dag.

obladi oblada. Life goes on - fine.

mandag 7. juli 2008

Urchin time!

Excellent urchins now. Loaded with delicious red roe.

We vent to Børrvågen for some afternoon snorkeling.

Victors first taste of urchin roe.

The boys having a break. Drinking hot chocolate on the beach.

We made Urchin roe on Strawberry!

For you

Qb abg nfx
Ubj ner lbh,
nyy gur gvzr

V jvyy or svar
V nz svar
V qba'g guvax lbh ner cynlvat
V unir frra lbh fuvire

Ybbxvat nurnq
sbe orggre gvzrf
Zl cyna
lbh nfx

Fnj lbh ynfg lrne
fcbxr gb lbh guvf lrne
Gurer ner guerr zber lrnef
gb pbzr

sbe zl cyna

fvfh vf nagure jbeq sbe cngvrapr
V bayl unir cngvrapr


concert in the church. Ola Bremnes and Sturm und drang played at Dverberg church.

torsdag 3. juli 2008

Like a killer whale

my icelandic heroine
If you forget my name
You will go astray
Like a killer whale
Trapped in a bay
a killer whale
swimming among
ice bergs
preying on herring

that will
be some life

she will never now
one day.

onsdag 2. juli 2008

Happy Birthday Me!

en fin kveld på Åknes samfunnshus. Festituråpning med to vakre jenter og en onkelunge.

I tillegg - en følelse og et minne som gjemmes i en stille luke bak i hodet. Helt til høyre. Rett over øret bor den.

tirsdag 1. juli 2008

Happy paddlers

Originally uploaded by Martin Kristiansen
Jørg, Mattia and Meike at the whale safari joined us for a paddle.