lørdag 28. februar 2009

Full fart på Nordmela

Karneval og innebandy på Nordmela. Artig for ungene.

Binocular breakthrough

A real breakthrough with my new binoculars. It's so much easier counting seals with binoculars than without. I suspected so.

Spotted one at Stave, which I would never seen otherwise. Also saw two in the norhthern part of Skogvoll bay. I seldom see anyone here.

And in the reserve I counted 48! These were clear shoots. Mostly seals laying on stones or ice. I could even see their behavior. A couple of them diving and splashing their tails.

In the inner part of the bay they lay either on ice shelfs or pretty big stones. It was nice to see groups with five seals togeher on an ice shelf - behavioring - or whatever they do. Honestly - they don't do much except for lying there. But I was amazed how big stones they are able to climb up on. Well, I don't think they climb. I believe they went on the stones at high tide and were throned at ebb.

onsdag 11. februar 2009


Desperate! I make some kvasi sushi. To satisfy my fish hunger.

Hunger makes a man learn new skills.