onsdag 21. mai 2008

Photo Shoot

Shooting kayak photos for our own promotion material. A sunny afternoon at Stranda, Andenes. 

søndag 18. mai 2008

Paddling in Finnbukta

There were nine of us this Sunday. Three kids. They seemed to have a good time.

We were going to paddle from Risøyhamn. But strong wind made us change the plan. Instead we went to Finnbukta west of Risøyhamn.

My second kayak trip in sea. I used the Hasle Excurson this time too. Think I end up with this boat, though I would rather have an Expedition.

The bay was pretty good sheltered against the north-east wind. It was snow in the mountains, and when we had coffee break some snowflakes came down on us.

Pictures from top:
  • Me at the beach before we went out on the fjord.
  • Preparing the kayaks.
  • Odd Gunnar making himself comfortable in the Hasle Expedition.
Einar could not join us this time. (Here you can see what you missed, Einar)

fredag 16. mai 2008

At sea. Now!

Kayaking. Picture (big one) sent from my phone to my blog while at sea.

Obviously I am at shore now. Fun. Second time in the kayak, and first time at sea.

I went under, but my longjohn wet suite trousers kept me warm and floating. And it gave us an opportunity to practice buddy rescue.

luckily this kayak, a Hasle Excursion, have a water proof "beauty box". Nice for girls and gadget freaks ;-). So it kept my camera and phone dry.

We went out from "Stranda" beach at Andenes. Odd Gunnar and Einar were also with me. We were just out having fun and testing the new kayaks.

  • In the red kayak with a big grin, Odd Gunnar Sjåfjell. He is in a Hasle expedition.
  • In the yellow kayak, with a no smaller grin, Einar. He is using a Hasle Touring.
  • View from my kayak. A Hasle Excursion.
  • Down below, me wondering how I can manage taking a picture of myself without ending up in the water again.

onsdag 14. mai 2008

Doggy dog

Gry with her most adorable jack Russel Terrier Luna.

mk 1905HundA
Originally uploaded by Martin Kristiansen

tirsdag 13. mai 2008

Safety training

Einar balancing the kayak, while safety practicing. We were in the pool at Risøyhamn school.

It was a nice session, with Tor-Arne Vik at instructor.

Me and Odd Gunnar went off to show the kayaks, and maybe get some sale.

Brand new!

Brand new kayaks. We got eight Hasle kayaks. We will sell some and keep some for kayaking with the tourists.

We now have four models: expedition, Touring, Excurison and K-400. The latter is a childrens kayak, or for small persons. A very light and fine kayak.

We only unpacked one of each, which we will show to people. Fist show off were at the safety practising in Risøyhamn. We loaded them on Odd Gunnars chevy van and drove off.

søndag 11. mai 2008

Snowy Sunday

Snowy Sunday afternoon at Bø beach. It is snowing like mad. Why? It is summer now. At least late spring. Well spring then maybe.

We are in may now. My friens in Bergen are tanning, barbecuing and having fun at the beach. It sure is a long country. Stretching well above the arctic circle.

I like it anyway. Summer snow!

Small whale

Originally uploaded by Martin Kristiansen
Small whales head. At Bø. I also did find the spine and parts of the rib cage.

mandag 5. mai 2008



Eksportutvalget for fisk

Norges Råfisklag
Norges Sildeslagslag
Norges Fiskarlag
Norges Kystfiskarlag
Fiskebåtredernes Forbund
Norske Sjømatbedrifters Landsforening

Nasjonalt institutt for ernærings- og sjømatforskning, NIFES

Sør-Norges Trålerlag
Sunnmøre og Romsdal Fiskesalslag

* Postjournalen
Stiftelsen Nor-Fishing
Stiftelsen RUBIN (utnyttelse av marine biprodukter)

Høge Nord Alliansen
NAMMCO - The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission
IWC - International Whaling Commission

NEAFC - North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission
ICES (Det internasjonale Råd for Havforskning)
NAFO - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization

EU Forskningsinfo
FAO - fisheries

Fiskeri- og Havbruksnæringens Forskningsfond
Garantikassen for fiskere
Norges Fiskerihøgskole

PINRO - Det russiske polare havforskningsinstitutt
Fiskeridepartementet Island
Fiskeridirektoratet Island
Fiskeridirektoratet Danmark

Direktoratet for naturforvaltning
Statens forurensningstilsyn
Norges Forskningsråd

Finnmark Fylke

Fosterhjemstjenesten Hammerfest (Finnmark)
Finnmark fylkesbibliotek, avd. Hammerfest
Finnmark fylkesbibliotek, avd. Vadsø
Finnmark fylkeskommune - Finnmárkku fylkagielda
Finnmark jordskifterett
Fiskeridirektoratet region Finnmark
Forbrukerrådet Finnmark, Troms
Fylkesmannen i Finnmark
Fylkesnemnda for sosiale saker i Troms og Finnmark
Helse Finnmark HF
Helse Finnmark, Klinikk for psykisk helsevern og rus
Helse Finnmark, Klinikk Hammerfest
Helse Finnmark, Klinikk Kirkenes
Helsetilsynet i Finnmark
Høgskolen i Finnmark
Indre Finnmark familievernkontor - Sis Finnmarkku Bearassuojalanguovddas
Indre Finnmark tingrett - Sis- Finnmárkku diggegoddi
Innovasjon Norge, Finnmark (Alta)
Innovasjon Norge, Finnmark (Vadsø)

torsdag 1. mai 2008

Late afternoon snorkeling

Coffee and a nice, warm cap on my head, at the beach after some late afternoon snorkeling.

I went to Børra. Nice temperature in the air. A lot of fresh water coming down from the snow melting in the mountains made the sea very cold, and fuzzy. Layers with fresh water made it hard to see anything in the north. The south part of the bay was better.